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  • Writer's pictureCamille Coenen

I Met a Celebrity!! Florence, Italy

Did ya miss me?! Because I missed you. And by you, I mean filling everyone in on my adventures (I know you all have been on the edge of your seat wondering what I have been up to for the past 3 weeks). I also very much miss blogging to my heart's content. But now that the semester is kicked into full gear, no longer are the days that I spend hours upon hours writing at the dining room table. And just to be clear, I still spend hours per day at the dining room table, in one of two spots (ya gotta mix it up every now and then), but doing actual things for school and whatnot because I guess I have responsibilities still? Ugh. Anyway. Let's get to it.

Last post was about my first week of school and I promised all of you lovely people a post about FIRENZE. And for those confused, Firenze is in fact "Florence" in Italian (yes, there was some confusion). So without further ado- Florence, Italy.

Okay, wait. Actually, I have a fun, cool thing to share. Obviously, this trip was a while ago (yeah I know. I'm a slacker. I get it, okay? Get off my back!) BUT. I journaled this trip right after it happened, meaning I have all the memories and stories fresh in my memory (aka my journal). So that is what I am sharing with you all today- my journal entry! That way I don't miss any core parts or leave anything out, I'm sharing everything directly from these beloved cream-colored pages (I do in fact have a strange attachment to my journal, but it's fine!!). You'll read everything from the stories, rants, and even how I set up/diagram the entry. Okay now :) without further ado- Florence, Italy.


"Friday, January 21- Saturday, January 22

The deets:

21 Jan

Rome Termini Train Station -> Florence Santa Maria Novella Train Station

08:25 09:57

22 Jan

Florence Santa Maria Novella Train Station -> Rome Termini Train Station

21:14 00:55


Meaghan, Kellie, Olivia, Megan

Okay, here's the thing. I'm nervous/scared/don't want to go on other trips because I truly am not sure anything will top this weekend.

It was so so good. It all really starts after my LSAT-filled train ride on Friday morning...

*side note: booked train and wine tour Thursday morning, booked Airbnb Thursday night, left Friday morning. Like, whaaat? Did you say I'm a spontaneous girl?? Why, yes I am.

VENERDÌ (Friday)

  • Caffetteria Letizia: un cappuccino e un uovo con insalata e formaggio (a cappuccino and poached eggs with arugula and parmesan)

  • Duomo: Florence Cathedral aka Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

  • Uffizi Galleria: Casually went to one of the most famous museums in the world?! How in the actual heck. Saw all of the most famous pieces- did a Rick Steves audio tour to ensure we saw it all and to get a good historical background. Thanks, Rick!

  • Pino's Sandwiches: or as I like to call it...Pino's Panino's (panino = sandwich, panini = sandwiches) These may have been some of the nicest most welcoming people I have EVER met. The waiter (Marvin) was so so sweet, he is the only employee not in the Pino family, which is a pretty special thing! We got a selfie + picture with the main man, the star of the show, an absolute CELEBRITY...Mr. Pino. In the end, he said something in Italian to Marvin, I looked, and he said "Oh, I think you understand me." In reality, I just looked because I heard him talking, I have absolutely no idea what he said hahaha, I think it was about us though (???) So so sweet though, we were in heaven while eating. I (& the other girls) were so sad to leave (y'all know how attached I get to people...I almost was tearing up for no reason. Why am I the way that I am haha). I ordered the "Springtime" panino.

  • Airbnb: Charming, precious, and so European. Open ceiling beams, tile floors, towel heater, literally adorable (until Kellie found a TISSUE in the sofa bed. CIAO.) Great little place for the night but was SO FREAKING COLD.

  • Ponte Vecchio <3 ("old bridge," is a must in Firenze. It is so beautiful and known for the shops built into it and along it!)

  • Cena (dinner) at Trattoria Zà Zà: (thank you for the suggestion, Liv P!) Our waitress here was the greatest. She came up to us and verbatim, whispered, "You are my favorite table." HAHA. Dinner was so good. Two bottles of Chianti (when in Florence! The chianti region is part of the Tuscany region of Italy, which is where Florence is), fettuccine bolognese, and even BETTER company. We all just sat and talked and drank and took things slowly. Just as the Italians do.

Something about it was so special. Funny story from after dinner- we were waiting for the bathroom in this ~janky~ staircase at the restaurant (it gave off Pirates of the Caribbean vibes) when an employee RUNS out of the bathroom and Megan went in to discover it was because she was SMOKING. In the single-person bathroom. UHH? Ma'am, could you not?! It was so hysterical, none of us could stop laughing because she bolted away from us when she saw we were waiting hahaha.

  • Gelato al Don Nino: right by the Duomo, so COOL. Flavors: cannolo (cannolo = singular of cannoli. Cannoli = plural. America has it all mixed up), stracciatella (chocolate chip- has been my favorite flavor since I first came to Italy in 2015), and yogurt bianco ("white yogurt," this one was my favorite of the 3).

SABATO (Saturday): Two things we did today: drink wine & shop.

  • Caffè Lieta: custard filled crossiant (my first pastry for colazione (breakfast) since I've been abroad!) and un cappuccino. mmm!

  • Somehow bumped into a tiny market right outside the Airbnb, across from the Caffè? And there was casually a big, beautiful, monument in the middle of it?? It was extremely quaint, laid back, and fun. A very "I'm a local" moment. It was almost like a farmer's market/craft show but for vintage goods, books, hats, etc. So cute, reminded me of home!

  • SHOPPING! Kellie, Megan, and Liv wanted to go to Gucci Gardens...meanwhile...Meag and I had a little adventure of our own. I bought-

  1. A wallet for Vince (happy early birthday, my dude) & leather gloves. These were an absolute necessity, le mie mani erano freddeeee (my hands were coldddd).

The owner of the shop was so sweet- he let me sit by the heater behind his desk for a few minutes to warm my hands. It was precious and funny hahaha.

  1. A scarf. I bought it from Pele, the scarf man. I can't even describe this interaction because we just got to know him and his story. It was just so funny and cute. I love the locals. Meag and I walked by later that day to say "Ciao Pele!" and he was so happy.

  2. Meag bought a purse from a man named...Marijuana. Yup. We asked his name and he said "it is easier for you to call me Marijuana. It's what everyone calls me." BUT he didn't say that in English, oh no no no. THIS was the COOLEST interaction ever. My best Italian experience so far. When we walked in, he asked "Parli italiani?" to which Meag and I responded "mm, un'po." So instead of speaking English with us (like most people do), he spoke SLOW Italian for us and used hand motions so we could understand him better. Maybe he just didn't know a lot of English and that was his only option, but it really seemed like he was trying to help us and it was SO COOL & SWEET OF HIM. Really awesome experience- I LOVE meeting people. Meag and I were in there for about 20 minutes, it was amazing.

  3. Pino's (round 2): Remember when I said I was going to cry from leaving Pino's? Yeah, well. We went back. But secretly (Meag and I eventually told the girls. It did not go well for us. hahhaha). This time I got "Chicken Best" and I truly think it was the best panino I have ever had. Seriously.

The whole staff remembered us and even under his mask, Marvin's eyes LIT UP when he saw us. They were so excited to have us back. I am smiling just thinking about it because it was so sweet. "Ciao ragazze!" ("hi girls!") Ugh, miss it. Again, I love meeting people. I think this is one of the coolest parts of traveling- meeting people, becoming friends, learning their stories. Just interacting with people from all over the world with different backgrounds and experiences. It is so crazy cool and I feel so so blessed.

Nowwww moving on to the next order of business for the day. Checked shopping off the list. Next: drinking vino.

Our wine tasting was booked through Ciao Florence and somehow we got put with the Queen, Her Majesty, Elisabeth (all her words, not mine lol). We were her absolute favorites- she sat at our table for the whole tasting and was joking with us the whole time and giving us her life story. The tasting itself? MARVELOUS. and way more fun than I ever imagined a wine tasting to be. We went to two wineries: one in Greve, one in Panzano, both in the Chianti region of Tuscany (I know, kinda confusing).

The absolutely nauseating bus ride on the way up was well worth it. In total, we tried nove (nine) wines. The winery employee would tell us about a wine, pour some for everyone, then we had 5 minutes or so to drink, eat, and talk! Plates of bread, crackers, prosciutto, salami, and cheese were provided. We also got to try truffle oil, olive oil, spicy olive oil, and balsamic... (I'm getting hungry as I type this). So delicious and fun and we snagged Elisabeth's (miss Elisabetta) business card because she was trying to convince us to rent a villa in Ibiza over Spring Break so she could show us around (it was much less creepy than it sounds, I promise haha. She used to live there and is a professional tour guide. Oh, and we are NOT doing that for Spring Break, just to be clear).

After the tasting, we got to hang around a while and see the grounds of the winery. The second winery has been around for 300 years (that is older than the US!!) We then departed back to Firenze (about a 40-minute bus ride) from the Tuscany countryside. Elisabetta played music off her phone through the tour guide microphone and we gave requests: "I Took a Pill in Ibiza" was a top request after the conversation we had with her haha. The bus ride was loud, crazy, and wonderful. The tour was mostly Americans, some Australians on their honeymoon, and a group of Italians who were talking smack about us (ti capisco!!), and every second was lovely.

Finally made our way back to Roma on the train. Four-hour train ride, studied for 2 hr and 45 min.

Had McDonald's chicken nugs, and got back to the apartment thanks to our taxi driver, Luigi - the craziest driver I have ever been with (yes, even crazier than Uncle Kevin! :p) He was going Rome...The city of Rome...if you saw these streets you would know why it is SHOCKING. but we made it back safely, in one piece. WHAT A TRIP!

I've been thinking about Florence a lot and think it is the coolest thing that I live in Rome and just did that. Casual 2-day trip to go to famous art museums and wine tasting in Chianti. It is absolutely insane. This weekend was a thrill. I am so happy and excited to see what else comes along. Still on an adrenaline high (probably from Luigi's driving), and I hope I never come down! <3"


There you have it- I miei giorni a firenze italia! Next post: COPENHAGEN.

Lots of love from Roma,


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