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  • Writer's pictureCamille Coenen

Call me Miss Aperol Spritz

No really, please do.

Have you had these things?! They are good as heck and my new favorite as long as I am living my Lizzie McGuire dream. All my friends here point them out wherever we go and send me pictures of them when we're not together because it has become my newest personality trait. But enough about my newfound ability to drink-- let's talk ROMA!

It's funny. It feels as if in these past few days I've done nothing, but it also feels like I completed an Iron Man. After you read what I've been up to, I'll let you decide.

Where to begin?! I miei giorni (my days) are going by so so fast and it is scaring me! I know each of you want every single detail, so I'll pick up where I left off: Scholars Lounge (you know, the bar where my group sat down for maybe- mmm five minutes (cinque minuti) and absolutely DASHED because of curfew. yeah, that one.) We made it back ON TIME by the way, with about 10 minutes to spare. That is a win in my book!

Okay, moving onto giovedì (Thursday). Started out Thursday the best most relaxing way possible: waking up just 15 minutes before I needed to be at a mandatory orientation event :') luckily, ya girl needs just enough time to change and brush my teeth before I am ready to be out the door. So did I make it?! Of course I did! Not only did I make it on time, but I made it on time AND had a cute outfit on. Idk if you've ever been in a similar situation, but that takes talent. and practice. Unfortunately, I have both of those these because I inherited the unpunctual trait from my father (thanks Dad, love you!) So big shoutout to Kayla and Olivia for NOT waking me up, but it all worked out. Lesson learned: set more than one alarm and make sure to give the roomies a time to wake me up by if I'm not already awake.

Woah woah woah, so what was the mandatory event you had to be at Camille? Geez! So glad you asked. Navigation 101: learning the ins and outs of Rome, how to get around, and how transportation systems work. The tour itself? eh. BUT THE SIGHTS. No words can do it justice, so I'll just show you some pictures.

And no, that's not the Colosseum and no, I don't know what these buildings are. (now you know why the tour wasn't that great) But I can promise before you all visit me, I'll know what they are and be fully competent in their origins and history :)

After the tour came Flying Tiger. For those of you that don't know what Flying Tiger is, PLEASE look it up. It is the cutest most adorable little store, established in Copenhagen and is all around Europe (when you know more about a random store than you do about the buildings and monuments of where you now live >>>) So me and the roomies took a trip there, then headed to get some groceries. On the way we saw a store called La Feltrinelli, an amazing book/stationary store with journals and pens and books and all sorts of things. Pretty much my favorite type of store. Had dinner at the apartment and laid low for the night!

FRIDAY, 14 January 2022.

Had a 0900 orientation event to sign some papers. Yay for Friday? The bright side...Cappuccino afterwards with Kayla and Olivia from Caffè Lungara, a great cafe on the same street as the apartment we have been going to for some good, inexpensive coffee! And then you wanna know what we did?? We stopped at a local confectionary shop for cioccolato con panna (chocolate with whipped cream). BECAUSE WE LIVE IN ROME AND BECAUSE WE CAN. Remember the picture in the last post of the cannoli? The dessert is from the same little shop! Also had a cute roommate moment where both Kayla and Olivia knew I didn't like maraschino cherries and commented on it (was cute because it is such a small thing and we've only known each other a handful of days! love!)

Now Friday night... let me tell you about Friday night. Two words...

Aperol. Spritz. hahahaha you think I'm kidding. Met some friends, went to get drinks (cough cough aperol spritz) at Pimm's (un ristorante locale), then walked around the streets of Trastevere. And let me just say- the Roman streets are the PLACE to be apparently. So many people it was crazy! Our group of nove (nine) somehow knew someone who knew someone who had a connection with a multi-millionaire who knew of some fancy local nightclub?

Surprised? yeah um, me too. So of course, what did we say? Everyone now, all together!

QUANDO A ROMA! And on we went to said fancy local nightclub. (I would disclose the name of it but that would make it less mysterious, wouldn't it?)

So that was super duper fun, and I'm glad we found that because God knows I could not go back to Scholars and face Sergei again! This place also happens to be a karaoke bar (ok so it's not that fancy) and I did happen to snatch the mic for Pretty Girl Rock (and I pretty girl rocked it). Oh, and I can't forget about the aperol spritz.

That brings me to Saturday, the end of the week! I spent it the only way I know how: shopping. This day was so so so fun. I met Meaghan around 1300 where we walked to Ikea (who knew my first time to Ikea would be in Italy?!).

We then proceeded to Vitti, un ristorante, where Kellie met up with us. I got cannelloni artigianali ricotta e spinaci (cannelloni with ricotta and spinach filling) and un cappuccino alla nocciola (hazelnut cappuccino which really is just a shot of espresso and whipped cream and hazelnut crumbs on top). And yes, that's a direct translation. Camille. Coffee? With pasta? I know, I know. But I had to, it was mandatory! Quando a roma, ya know?!?

After pranzo (lunch) was more shopping! We saw the Spanish steps, I got amazing boots, and then we popped in and out of some other stores like H&M. After a few hours we were starting to get a little hungry. Not a lot, but a little. We didn't want to spend too much on dinner since we went out for lunch, and then we saw it. The finest cibo (food) Italy has to offer. The one and only McDonald's.

Now before you think to yourself, no you did NOT go to McDonald's in Italy, let me explain something to you. McDonald's in Italy is a ~cultural experience~. Not only is the menu different, but it is also lighter! Like you know how you feel gross and icky and greasy after eating McDonald's? Not here! Less preservatives probably, I'm not sure. But anyway, McDonald's Italiano. What an experience:

And that is a wrap on Week 1. I laugh about going to McDonald's and whatnot, but every experience is truly so so unique and special. I feel so incredibly blessed to be here. Each day is a new adventure, and I am so excited for the next four months! Rome is called the Eternal City because no matter what happens, Rome will go on forever. It hasn't been forever, but I'd say Rome is off to a pretty good start. And I know I haven't been here forever, but I'd say I am off to a pretty good start to this crazy journey I am on. Making forever memories in the eternal city. That is pretty dang special.

Ciao for now! Next!

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Josephine Ciaravino
Josephine Ciaravino
Jan 19, 2022

This is so amazing, it is like I am actually there with you! Italian class is not the same without you :( Miss you! Alyssa says hi, she is sitting next to me


Maggie Orlando
Maggie Orlando
Jan 17, 2022

Sounds AMAZING!!


Vince Orlando
Vince Orlando
Jan 17, 2022

sounds like a blast! Save some of that Aperol spritz for May please ;)


Gabriela Siaosi
Gabriela Siaosi
Jan 17, 2022

So glad you're having fun! Drink an Aperol spritz for me!

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